- Unless stated otherwise prices DO NOT include lamps (excluding all LED Fittings)
- FLEX and PLUG NOT included unless stated.
- No luminaire/exit/emergency can be returned for anything other than a warranty claim after two (2) months from invoice date. Fittings returned under a warranty claim will be rectified and returned.
- Quoted subject to our Standard Conditions of Sale. See http://www.cvglighting.com.au/index.php/conditions-of-sale
- Unit prices, as quoted above, are subject to strictly 30-Day EOM terms for account holders. Otherwise, quoted prices are for cash sale. All orders are made specifically for you.
- Offer is made generally in accordance with documents received, but specifically as nominated above. We quote based on part numbers and quantities provided to us. In the absence of specific Famco part numbers being given we may attempt to assign a fitting type against your request, but we make no warranty that it's an appropriate selection. Please confirm your requirements at www.famco.com.au before placing any orders.
- Site Assistance with the commissioning of monitored Exit & Emergency lighting is not included in stated unit rates but may be offered separately.
- Luminaire components only (i.e. Battery Packs, Emergency PCBs, Diffusers) are only warranted to be free of manufacturing defect, as per our Standard Conditions of Sale. These items cannot be returned for credit.
- Prices are F.I.S. Sydney metro, for all luminaire orders over $400.00 +GST (excluding Commissioning and/or other site labour that may be also quoted) , unless a freight charge is otherwise nominated. A $35.00 +GST delivery charge will apply on all Sydney Metro luminaire orders under $400.00 value. All orders outside Sydney Metro are via your nominated carrier, or a separate line-item quotation.
- Prices firm for 30 days from Quotation date